Manu Experience- Peru Travel

Manu Experience- Peru Travel

The first glimpse of Manu National Park that traveler observes from the Andes is a carpet of clouds, where fog has established his kingdom. As you descend, that cool slowly becomes a vast green carpet, a vast territory of immeasurable mysteries and amazing wildlife, Manu it’s actually one of the last strongholds of biodiversity.

In this area of ​​great biodiversity is possible to spot wildlife in nature. Jaguars, tapirs, anteaters, spectacled bears, different kinds of monkeys, frogs, parrots and macaws. The latter two can be seen in the ‘licks’, a kind of clay soil cliffs along the river where hundreds converge to feed them, forming an impressive mosaic full of color and life.

The Manu National Park was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1977 and, in 1987, Natural World Heritage Site. Nature, scenic beauty, respect for the environment and local communities.



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